The result was not just financial distress but the collapse of the US price level, which fell by 21 per cent between 1929 and 1932. 结果不仅导致金融危机,还有美国价格水平的崩溃(1929年至1932年间下跌了21%)。
The trigger for the collapse was the bursting of the credit bubble that funded the leverage, the asset price inflation and the global consumption boom. 崩溃是由信贷泡沫破裂触发的,信贷泡沫促成了杠杆现象、资产价格通胀和全球消费繁荣。
The Probability of Depression in China Caused by Collapse of Asset Price Bubble; 当前中国经济出现了以股市和房地产为载体的资产价格泡沫。
So, too, did the collapse of the fixed exchange rate regime in 1971 and move to free floating, which preceded the price surge. 1971年固定汇率体系崩溃,并转向浮动汇率体系也起到了同样的作用。这一转变发生在价格飙升之前。
Even Japan, which had no need of the IMF but which was still suffering from the collapse of its asset price bubble, was treated to high-handed lectures by visiting US officials. 甚至连不需要imf帮助、但遭受自身资产价格泡沫破裂之苦的日本,也受到了来访美国官员专横跋扈的说教。
He was speaking a month after the collapse of the so-called "benchmarking" system of pricing iron ore in annual contracts. The system is being replaced by quarterly contracts linked to the spot market price. 此时距铁矿石年度合约“基准”定价机制崩溃已过去一个月,如今施行的是与现货市场价格挂钩的季度合约。
Yahoo's management is likely to come under the most direct pressure to act following the collapse of merger talks on Saturday, with the company's shares expected to drop sharply from their bid-inflated price of$ 28.67 at the end of last week. 继上周六合并谈判破裂后,雅虎管理层可能面临最直接的压力,要求他们采取行动,预计该公司股价将大幅下跌。在收购消息的推动下,雅虎上周收于28.67美元。
Russia has been hit because of the collapse of the oil price, the rise in political risk after its conflict with Georgia and huge foreign borrowing by its companies and banks. 俄罗斯受到打击的原因是油价下挫、与格鲁吉亚发生军事冲突后政治风险上升以及俄企业和银行的巨额外国借款。
But deflating an economy suffering from the collapse of an asset price bubble often fails to work, though Ireland, as a small open economy, has a better chance of exporting its way out than other vulnerable eurozone members. 但对一个遭受资产价格泡沫破裂的经济体实施紧缩政策往往没有效果,尽管作为一个开放的小型经济体,爱尔兰比其它脆弱的欧元区成员国更有可能依靠出口摆脱困境。